Jean-Philippe Imbert lectures in Comparative Literature and Sexuality Studies at Dublin City University. He researches and publishes on literary and artistic representations of Mexican, Irish and French 20th and 21st centuries, focusing on the relationship between sexuality, gender and the aesthetic treatment of evil, trauma, angst or perversion.

David O'Mullane is a doctoral scholar at Dublin City University where he is researching a PhD entitled The Art of Cruising: Public Sex Cultures, LGBT Politics and XXIst Century Art. His research interests extend beyond art and cruising culture to include queer temporality, embodiment and artivism. 

Organizing committee

Dr Angelos Bollas, Dublin City University, Ireland
Dr David Caroll, Dublin City University, Ireland
Jean-Philippe Imbert (co-organizer), Dublin City University, Ireland
Dr Sarah Meehan O’Callaghan, Dublin City University, Ireland
David O’Mullane (co-organizer), Dublin City University, Ireland 
Dr Ray O’Neill, Dublin City University, Ireland 
Pepe Sánchez-Molero, Dublin City University, Ireland



EROSS@DCU is an interdisciplinary sexuality-focused research cluster which recognises the intersectional nature of gender and sex matters, and their intrinsic relationship to our experiences in the world as intimate, social and political beings.